When A CEO Gets Stuck

When A CEO Gets Stuck

Do you feel like you have trouble developing a successful strategy for your company? How

about scaling operational processes to achieve the growth you know you’re capable of but can’t

seem to grasp?

Often a leader must have all the answers in order to earn promotions and work their way to the

top. Yet once you become the CEO, that same approach can turn into a liability instead of an


The role of the CEO is a lonely one as you try to DIY building and growing your business.

What’s more, data shows you’re not the only one experiencing this problem.

According to a survey by 43 mid-market Gravitas Impact coaches in 2020, most CEOs

encounter common challenges. The top 5 pain points for companies were

1) developing a successful strategy

2) executing that strategy

3) maintaining a healthy, accountable culture

4) selecting, communicating, and aligning top priorities

5) scaling operational processes

Well-trained, experienced mid-market coaches talked with 128 CEOs at the outset of their

coaching engagements and discovered they were saying the same thing:

● “We have a strong vision, but need help bringing it all together.”

● “We can’t get everyone on the same page.”

● “We know where we want to be in 10 years, but we don’t know how to get there.”

Does this sound like you? If you feel like your teams are siloed, or your team heads are not

meeting expectations, then you’re not alone. Data shows that 77% of CEOs rely on a DIY

approach to respond to the situations they face. In fact, that was the most common approach,

over joining a CEO roundtable, tolerating the issue without taking action, and not being aware of


What if it’s the DIY approach that’s negatively affecting your ability to drive your growth

agenda? DIY comes at a high price: you’ll see it affect your top-line growth and bottom-

line profits, as well as your mindset.

However, when CEOs took the bold step of engaging a business coach, the survey data

showed consistent growth and accelerated improvements in profits and revenue, as well as

confidence and employee engagement.

Patrick Frazier1 Comment