Proving the Age-Old Sayings Wrong: The CEO's World After Coaching

CEOs are often hesitant to ask for outside professional assistance. They believe they must manage challenges that arise in their business, teams, and their own leadership abilities on their own.

Yet data shows that’s simply not true. Actually, the same DIY approach that can be the most valuable asset to CEOs as they build and grow their business can turn into a huge liability once they reach the top.

In a Gravitas Impact study from 2020, a representative 128 companies painted a gloomy picture indeed.

● 85% of them had low, flat, or declining revenue growth

● 53% were producing profits below benchmark average

That’s all before their coaching engagements.

Adding a premium coach, however, turned it all around. CEOs with unpleasant inner worlds and high stress levels found they could increase their productivity, confidence, and revenue when they began working with a coach.

Not only did 59% of CEOs note their personal productivity showed much improvement, but also 55% showed the same amount of improvement in employee engagement. The data demonstrates that coaching benefits both the company and its leaders.

The impressive shift in companies’s; profitability is also notable. After coaching, companies showed a remarkable 6x improvement, with 66% of the companies achieving above benchmark profitability.

If you want to move into a high-growth trajectory, working with a business coach is the way to do it. CEOs reported a significant improvement in their confidence and a reduction in stress levels after they engaged a coach.

When you feel stuck and unsure of how best to achieve your goals, it’s time to make the top a less lonely place. Take the bold step of engaging a Gravitas Impact Premium Coach. They combine their strong character and values with their certification in a “Framework for Growth” to give you simple, practical, and actionable tools and assessments for measurable progress.

The age-old saying, “The loneliest place in a company is at the top” doesn’t have to be true. Prove that you can defy the odds when you book a complimentary coaching session with me today.

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