

The Four Decisions (Mastering the Rockefeller Habits) refer to the critical decisions that growth companies must get right to maximize their revenue, profit and time. These four decisions include the areas of people, strategy, execution and cash. Gazelles International certified coaches are specifically trained to use these growth tools to help you and your leadership team to focus on these key decisions.


Is everyone in your company pulling their own weight and contributing as they should? If you had to start the company all over tomorrow, would you enthusiastically rehire everyone on your team? Growth companies most difficult decisions revolve around getting the right people in the right seats. We can help you get the right people doing the right things with clear accountabilities and metrics.


Do you have solid top-line revenue growth strategy in place? The key to sustainable top-line growth is threefold: knowing your core customer, developing a clear brand promise, and developing your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) for sustainable revenue growth. We have a unique one-page strategic planning document that will help you get everyone on the same page. 


One common challenge that quietly sneaks up on successful growth companies is the subtle transition from excellent, precise execution to passivity, complacency and eventually poor execution disciplines. By simply tightening up your execution habits, you can dramatically improve gross margins and profitability while reducing the time it takes for everyone to complete their work. We have an Execution Checklist of ten habits that will reduce the time it takes you to manage your business by up to 90%, freeing up the leadership team to spend more time on the market-facing activities. 


The first law of entrepreneurial gravity is "Growth Sucks Cash." We encourage companies to calculate their Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) which measures companywide how long it takes between when you spend a dollar (marketing, design, rent, wages, etc.) until you get that dollar back. We have a proprietary Cash Conversion tool that outlines the cash cycle and helps you work through concrete ways to double operating cash flow in the next twelve months.



How can we secure more input from your emerging leaders as we plan for a successful year? How do we create more ownership of your Annual Plan among your frontline leadership? How can your executive team spend less time in day-to-day execution and more time on growth and strategic planning?

High Performance Senior leadership teams have discovered the secret to developing a successful Annual One-Page Plan…by intentionally engaging their emerging leaders in the process.

The Pre-Annual Planning Accelerator Session brings together your emerging leaders, where you will identify and include them while further training and developing these leaders in collaborative business planning. The full or half day, depending on final scope and number of participants, includes:

  • A collaborative session with small groups of 3-4 providing frontline feedback and perspective to the senior team on your Annual Plan:

    • SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

    • Core Values – Are they alive? Who exemplifies them? Where are our areas of maturity?

    • Top 5 Priorities – Can you agree on what these might be for the upcoming year?

  • An executive briefing to the senior team in each on each of the items above, with interactive discussion among participants.

  • A post-session “team time” for further team and relationship development.


Additional Results:

  • An energized group of emerging leaders, who have contributed to your Annual Plan

  • Greater ownership of your Annual Plan among emerging leaders and their teams

  • More senior leadership time spent working “on the business” rather than “in the business”

1. What is the best time frame for hosting a Pre-Annual Planning Acclerator Session?
Anywhere from three weeks to 30 days prior to your annual planning session.
2. Who is included in the Pre-Annual Planning Accelerator Session and why?
The session typically includes 8 to 20 of your emerging leaders, the team members you feel will be leading the company into the future based on on their support of the company’s core values and productivity.
The senior team is not included in the collaborative session with the emerging leaders, BUT are included in the executive briefing at the end of the session and in the team building exercise or dinner after.
3. Where is the best place to hold the session?
At a location that will ensure the emerging leaders can safely and confidently express their views, while minimizing day-to-day operation distractions and interruptions. This
is typically an offsite location near the office.