The Coach’s Playbook
Team Building And Job Satisfaction
Team building remains one of the most vital functions for long-term success in business. The reasons are many, but as more and more employees leave the workforce for more personally fulfilling options such as home-based businesses, the decline in both morale and available talent is diminished. One of the top reasons people leave their jobs is that they feel unappreciated or undervalued.
Why Team Building Is Vital to Your Success
Great teamwork is one of the most important keys to your company's success. The more harmoniously people work together, the better it is for your company. Teamwork is the way that things get done these days, and if you don't have a cohesive team, you’re seriously handicapping your company out in the marketplace. Team building is necessary for success because it's unnatural for people to come together in a new group and immediately begin to get along.
5 Sure Fire Ways to Build Trust
People choose to buy from you, offer help, and grant rewards based on trust. In many ways, trust is your most valuable resource. Stephen Covey in his book The Speed of Trust tells us that, "when trust goes up, speed goes up and cost goes down." Here are a few of the ways to increase your success by building trust. While you may already do most of these things, missing even one of them can ruin it all.
3 Keys to Choosing an Executive Coach
Does your company need a jumpstart? Is your revenue low, is morale declining, and are your leadership tactics no longer making an impact? This may be the perfect time to look into executive coaching. The question is, how do you choose an Executive Coach?